Know Your Animal Welfare Rights
Flyer courtesy of Australian Pork
Illegal Farm raids are continuing in SA - What to do:
- Be alert, not alarmed.
- Notify APL immediately if you suspect a raid has occurred – call Emily MacKintosh at APL on 0418 697595
- RSPCA has a standing invitation from Pork SA to conduct official inspections on illegally raided farms.
- Producers may nominate a representative to be present at these inspections; this is usually their veterinary consultant.
- The RSPCA is required to provide producers with written reports which should be submitted to APL to be lodged with the Producer’s APIQ records.
- Register as an APL member to receive additional advice on how to protect the health and welfare of your stock.
- Illegal raids may spread disease and/or disrupt stable group behaviours, adversely affecting animal welfare.